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U.S. Navy Hosts Hispanic-Owned Small Business Conference

The U.S. Navy Program Executive Officers for Submarines and Littoral and Mine Warfare will host a conference for Hispanic-Owned Small Businesses (HOSB) who seek opportunities with the U.S. Navy at California State University in Los Angeles, CA on 27-29 January 2009.

The conference will provide an unprecedented forum where HOSB owners can connect directly with senior Navy and industry leaders to learn, collaborate, and explore ways in which U.S. Navy undersea and littoral mine warfare programs can benefit from the vast product and service offerings of our nation's HOSBs.

Furthermore, the conference will facilitate relationships among minority-serving colleges and universities and the federal government to attract an increasingly effective and diverse workforce for the U.S. government.

In addition to informational sessions, this conference will provide valuable networking opportunities, including one-on-one sessions where HOSB representatives will meet with large government prime contractors and government representatives to learn about immediate and upcoming business opportunities.

For more information on the HOSB Conference or to register for this event, please visit http://www.hosbconference.com or contact Charise Arellano of Burke Consortium, Incorporated by email at hosbconference@bcinow.com or phone at 703-941-0600.

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