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Energy Saving Tips: Save Electricity

Being energy efficient is a way of life, but that doesn't make it hard. Home Energy Audit Technicians invite you to start saving energy today by following these energy tips:

Energy Saving Tips: Save Electricity

1. Cool your home at 78° or warmer with the thermostat fan switch on "auto." For additional savings, raise your thermostat to 82° or warmer when you're away from home.

2. Heat your home at 68° or cooler with the thermostat fan switch on "auto." To save even more, lower your thermostat to 65° or cooler at bedtime or when you're away from home.

3. Install a programmable thermostat to adjust the temperature automatically and maximize your energy savings. It also helps to maintain a comfortable temperature when you wake up or return home.

4. Clean or replace your air conditioner's filter every month to trim your cooling costs and help your unit run more efficiently.

5. Turn off your ceiling fan when you leave the room. A fan that runs constantly can cost up to $7 a month depending on size and age.

6. Avoid pre-rinsing dishes before putting in dishwasher. It can save up to $70 a year.

7. Limit the time you run your pool pump:

Summer: no more than six hours a day.
Winter: no more than four hours a day.

8. Adjust the water level on your washing machine to match the load size, especially when using hot water. Always use a cold rinse.

9. Clean the lint filter in your dryer before every load to dry your clothes faster and save money.

10. Use the auto sensor function on your dryer, if you have one, to conserve energy by not over-drying your clothes.

The 10 energy saving tips that you have read will help you save electricity and money. By applying these tips, you will start to become more energy efficient.

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