HISCEC invites you to visit the San Diego Zoo!


Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: Directory 2nd Part

This is the second part of the directory of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce that we have put together. We invite you to visit your local chapter. We are pretty sure that they are going to be able to help you out if you need anything. There are 50 more Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in this list.This list is organized by State, starting with California:

51. Gold Cost Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gchcc.org/

“Leveraging resources to expand opportunities that build and sustain economic vitality for our diverse community.”

52. Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tkhcc.com/

“Our mission is to promote business development and growth of business within the Hispanic community for the purpose of mutual economic benefit.”

53. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Silicon Valley http://www.hccsv.com/

“The mission of the Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Silicon Valley is to maximize Hispanic business and economic development of Silicon Valley by serving as an advocate and resource for its members, business owners, professionals, students and the community in general by being the premier voice for Hispanic and minority businesses.”

54. Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.cchcc.net

“The mission of the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote, stimulate and support Hispanic owned business. The Chamber will create, maintain, and improve a favorable business environment which strengthens the financial position of its members and contributes to the socioeconomic well-being of the community.”

55. Los Angeles Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lahispanicc.org/

56. San Mateo County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.smchcc.org/

“The San Mateo County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce mission is to provide a medium for its members to grow and succeed, while promoting economic health in the community.”

57. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Sonoma County http://www.hcc-sc.org/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Sonoma County is here to promote the economic growth and development of Hispanic businesses throughout our region. Working together we provide partnership opportunities through programs and services designed to help our members meet their goals and succeed.”

58. Merced County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.mercedhcc.com/

59. Santa Barbara Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://sbhispanicchamber.org/

“The Mission of the Santa Barbara Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to foster the economic vitality and prosperity of Small Business Owners and the Latino Business Community and to enhance the quality of life in the greater Santa Barbara area.”

60. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County http://www.hccac.com/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HCCAC) seeks to improve the quality of life by providing leadership and promoting Economic Development for the Latino Community through partnerships with other community, business, educational, and governmental organizations.”


61. Colorado Springs Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.hcccs.com/

“Our organization is dedicated to providing opportunities and resources to all businesses and individuals, with a focus on the Hispanic community and its culture.”

62. Greater Stamford Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://stamfordhcc.org

“It is our responsibility as the largest minority group in Stamford to build on this momentum and create an environment that assures to long-term economic vitality of our Hispanic community.”


63. Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.swfhcc.com/

“Our mission is to promote the development of the Hispanic people by assisting in the development of Hispanic-owned businesses and markets and serving as the central information source for the general business community regarding Hispanic trends in Southwest Florida.”

64. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County is the information source to help, develop and grow the area's Hispanic market. It provides economic and demographic data on the strength and future growth of the Hispanic market; represents and helps Hispanic enterprises in their business endeavors; and develops ties with non-Hispanic businesses that utilize the resourses of the Hispanic market for commerce and employment.”

65. South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sflhcc.com/

“The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) was founded on July 21, 1994 with the mission of promoting the continued growth and development of the business community and the tourism industry of Miami-Dade County. We help our members expand their business opportunities, encourage mutual beneficial ties with the public and private sectors and serve as an active, strong and visible advocate of the Hispanic business community.”

66. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Metro Orlando http://www.hispanicchamber.net

“To provide leadership and support the economic development of the Hispanic business community in Orlando.”

67. Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ahcc-il.com

“To promote the economic growth and empowerment of Hispanic businesses.”


68. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County http://www.hccmc.org/

“The mission of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County is to promote the development and economic growth of the Hispanic business community in Montgomery County, Maryland.”

69. Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Boston http://www.hacc.com/

“The Hispanic-American Chamber of Greater Boston is an organization that represents businesses, individuals and institutions and is committed to the economic development and success of the Hispanic business community in Greater Boston.”


70. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis http://www.hccstl.com/

“To promote the economic development of Hispanic firms and increase business opportunities for all in the St. Louis Region.”


71. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Northern Nevada http://hccnn.us/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Northern Nevada seeks to promote the economic development and enhancement of the community by empowering Hispanic business interests.”

New Jersey

72. Morris County Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce http://www.mchacc.org/
“MCHACC has grown from an idea to a local, county, state, national and internationally renowned Chamber.”

New Mexico

73. Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce http://www.ahcnm.org

“The AHCC is organized to promote economic development, to enhance economic opportunities and to provide business and workforce education with an emphasis on the Hispanic and small business community in Albuquerque and New Mexico.”

74. Roswell Hispano Chamber of Commerce http://www.roswellhcc.org/

“The mission of the Roswell Hispano Chamber of Commerce is to promote growth in the Hispanic business and economic community in and around Roswell.”

75. Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces http://www.hispanochamberlc.org/

“The Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces was initiated in 1992 as the Hispano Chamber of Dona Ana County and in 1994 incorporated as The Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces.”

New York

76. Bronx Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://bxhcc.com

“The Hispanic Bronx Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Is an organization to empower the small business in the Bronx New York community.”

77. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Queens http://www.hccq.org/

“Its purpose is to assist in the growth and development of Hispanic owned business in the County of Queens. The Chamber was formed in order to establish business relationships and to foster the development of Hispanic businesses.”

78. Long Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lihcc.org/

“It is the goal of the LIHCC to provide its members, who often has special entrepreneurial needs, with business support, professional development workshops, advocacy programs, resource materials and networking opportunities that will help them grow their businesses.”

79. Westchester Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.whccny.com/

“To promote the economic growth and development of Hispanic businesses and professionals in Westchester.”

North Carolina

80. North Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.nchispanicchamber.org

“The mission of the North Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses in collaboration with the Business Community at large.”

81. Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte http://www.lacccharlotte.com/

“The purpose of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte is to preserve and promote existing Latin American businesses, encourage new Latin American businesses, and to promote networking with non-Latin American businesses and organizations.”


82. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cincinnati http://www.hispanicchambercincinnati.com

“The Mission of our organization is to promote the continued growth and development of the Hispanic/Latino business community in the Tri-State area.”

83. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Ohio http://www.hbahcco.org/

“Advocating and promoting Hispanic Businesses since 1982.”

84. Greater Dayton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gd-hcc.org/

“To promote the continued development and growth of the Hispanic business community in the Miami Valley region. To offer our members an opportunity to network and develop beneficial relationships with both the public and private sectors. To advocate for the entire Hispanic community in our region.”


85. The Greater Oklahoma Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.okchispanicchamber.com/

“Our mission is to develop, promote and protect Hispanic businesses in the greater Oklahoma City area and to support the advancement, education and economic growth of the Hispanic community. The mission of the Chamber is to serve as a business resource, a forum an advocate for Hispanic business issues, and a united voice for the Hispanic business community.”


86. Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber http://www.hmccoregon.com/

“Advocate for the full participation of Hispanics in the economic opportunities in Oregon.”


87. Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.philahispanicchamber.org/

“To develop, promote and advocate for Hispanic business in the Greater Philadelphia area while encouraging the advancement and economic growth of the Hispanic community.”


88. Arlington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.hispanic-chamber.org/

89. Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lockharthispanicchamber.org/

“The Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's mission is to promote and strengthen the economic welfare of the business community in Caldwell County by supporting proactive activities in areas of education, civic leadership, and community development and by creating business opportunities for our members.”

90. Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.cchispanicchamber.org/

“The purpose of the Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote the interests of trade and increase the facilities of commercial transactions for the advancement of the commercial, educational, industrial, agricultural and civic interest of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas and the surrounding territory; to promote the interests of small business, including minority and women-owned enterprises and minority and women professions and entrepreneurs; and to promote awareness and preservation of the Hispanic Heritage.”

91. Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.fwhcc.org

“The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is proud to serve the business interests of the Metroplex community and will strive to seek opportunity for its membership and achieve economic benefit for all.”

92. Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.midlandhcc.com/

“To promote the growth and prosperity of Hispanic businesses and community.”

93. Denton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.dentonhcoc.org/

“To promote interest of the community with focus on the Hispanic and minority-owned business.”

94. Harlingen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.harlingenchamber.com/

“Create economic development by generating jobs, the recruitment of companies both international and domestic, promote the growth, development and success of small businesses, and provide educational and leadership resources for the community.”

95. Amarillo Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.amarillohispanicchamber.org/

“To be an advocate for economic development and support educational opportunities in order to enhance and integrate business opportunities within the community.”

96. TAMACC http://www.tamacc.org/

The strategic goals of the organization are as follows: (1) Economic Empowerment of Hispanic Businesses (2) Creation of value for local Chambers (3) Position TAMACC as the leading advocate of Hispanic business issues, and (4) Assess, evaluate, and align the organization and operation of TAMACC.


97. Ogden Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://ch.ctius.net/

“The Ogden Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides support and networking opportunities for Hispanic businesses from Brigham City to northern Davis County.”


98. Yakima Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.yakimahispanicchamber.com/

“To encourage the development of Hispanic/Latino businesses in Yakima County and contiguous areas by providing a support base for educational and economic growth opportunities. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HCC) shall serve as an advocate for Hispanic business issues and as a partner in support of issues confronting the Hispanic community as a whole.”

99. Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tricitieshispanicchamber.com/

“The Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (TCHCC) is organized for the purpose of advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, agricultural, educational and civic welfare of the Tri-Cities and surrounding communities. The TCHCC will accomplish this mission by focusing on work force development through its support of education and training.”


100. Wyoming State Hispanic Chamber http://www.wyomingstatehispanicchamber.com/
“The Wyoming State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic business organization committed to promoting opportunity, growth, and progress of small businesses in a highly diverse society with emphasis on the Hispanic Latino/a and Chicano/a community.”

1 comment:

Tony Destroni said...

"This is the second part of the directory of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce that we have put together. We invite you to visit your local chapter. We are pretty sure that they are going to be able to help you out if you need anything." - thanks for sharing some site's , yes your right you must visit some local chapters to you to be able , once i have tried that and its very fast in results less time . i have some site' visited and very helpful to this site is named paginas amarillas . More information almost complete . this is great !