HISCEC invites you to visit the San Diego Zoo!


Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: Directory 2nd Part

This is the second part of the directory of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce that we have put together. We invite you to visit your local chapter. We are pretty sure that they are going to be able to help you out if you need anything. There are 50 more Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in this list.This list is organized by State, starting with California:

51. Gold Cost Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gchcc.org/

“Leveraging resources to expand opportunities that build and sustain economic vitality for our diverse community.”

52. Tulare Kings Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tkhcc.com/

“Our mission is to promote business development and growth of business within the Hispanic community for the purpose of mutual economic benefit.”

53. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Silicon Valley http://www.hccsv.com/

“The mission of the Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Silicon Valley is to maximize Hispanic business and economic development of Silicon Valley by serving as an advocate and resource for its members, business owners, professionals, students and the community in general by being the premier voice for Hispanic and minority businesses.”

54. Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.cchcc.net

“The mission of the Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote, stimulate and support Hispanic owned business. The Chamber will create, maintain, and improve a favorable business environment which strengthens the financial position of its members and contributes to the socioeconomic well-being of the community.”

55. Los Angeles Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lahispanicc.org/

56. San Mateo County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.smchcc.org/

“The San Mateo County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce mission is to provide a medium for its members to grow and succeed, while promoting economic health in the community.”

57. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Sonoma County http://www.hcc-sc.org/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Sonoma County is here to promote the economic growth and development of Hispanic businesses throughout our region. Working together we provide partnership opportunities through programs and services designed to help our members meet their goals and succeed.”

58. Merced County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.mercedhcc.com/

59. Santa Barbara Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://sbhispanicchamber.org/

“The Mission of the Santa Barbara Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to foster the economic vitality and prosperity of Small Business Owners and the Latino Business Community and to enhance the quality of life in the greater Santa Barbara area.”

60. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Alameda County http://www.hccac.com/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HCCAC) seeks to improve the quality of life by providing leadership and promoting Economic Development for the Latino Community through partnerships with other community, business, educational, and governmental organizations.”


61. Colorado Springs Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.hcccs.com/

“Our organization is dedicated to providing opportunities and resources to all businesses and individuals, with a focus on the Hispanic community and its culture.”

62. Greater Stamford Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://stamfordhcc.org

“It is our responsibility as the largest minority group in Stamford to build on this momentum and create an environment that assures to long-term economic vitality of our Hispanic community.”


63. Southwest Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.swfhcc.com/

“Our mission is to promote the development of the Hispanic people by assisting in the development of Hispanic-owned businesses and markets and serving as the central information source for the general business community regarding Hispanic trends in Southwest Florida.”

64. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Palm Beach County is the information source to help, develop and grow the area's Hispanic market. It provides economic and demographic data on the strength and future growth of the Hispanic market; represents and helps Hispanic enterprises in their business endeavors; and develops ties with non-Hispanic businesses that utilize the resourses of the Hispanic market for commerce and employment.”

65. South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sflhcc.com/

“The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) was founded on July 21, 1994 with the mission of promoting the continued growth and development of the business community and the tourism industry of Miami-Dade County. We help our members expand their business opportunities, encourage mutual beneficial ties with the public and private sectors and serve as an active, strong and visible advocate of the Hispanic business community.”

66. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Metro Orlando http://www.hispanicchamber.net

“To provide leadership and support the economic development of the Hispanic business community in Orlando.”

67. Aurora Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ahcc-il.com

“To promote the economic growth and empowerment of Hispanic businesses.”


68. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County http://www.hccmc.org/

“The mission of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Montgomery County is to promote the development and economic growth of the Hispanic business community in Montgomery County, Maryland.”

69. Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Boston http://www.hacc.com/

“The Hispanic-American Chamber of Greater Boston is an organization that represents businesses, individuals and institutions and is committed to the economic development and success of the Hispanic business community in Greater Boston.”


70. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan St. Louis http://www.hccstl.com/

“To promote the economic development of Hispanic firms and increase business opportunities for all in the St. Louis Region.”


71. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Northern Nevada http://hccnn.us/

“The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Northern Nevada seeks to promote the economic development and enhancement of the community by empowering Hispanic business interests.”

New Jersey

72. Morris County Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce http://www.mchacc.org/
“MCHACC has grown from an idea to a local, county, state, national and internationally renowned Chamber.”

New Mexico

73. Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce http://www.ahcnm.org

“The AHCC is organized to promote economic development, to enhance economic opportunities and to provide business and workforce education with an emphasis on the Hispanic and small business community in Albuquerque and New Mexico.”

74. Roswell Hispano Chamber of Commerce http://www.roswellhcc.org/

“The mission of the Roswell Hispano Chamber of Commerce is to promote growth in the Hispanic business and economic community in and around Roswell.”

75. Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces http://www.hispanochamberlc.org/

“The Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces was initiated in 1992 as the Hispano Chamber of Dona Ana County and in 1994 incorporated as The Hispano Chamber of Commerce de Las Cruces.”

New York

76. Bronx Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://bxhcc.com

“The Hispanic Bronx Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Is an organization to empower the small business in the Bronx New York community.”

77. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Queens http://www.hccq.org/

“Its purpose is to assist in the growth and development of Hispanic owned business in the County of Queens. The Chamber was formed in order to establish business relationships and to foster the development of Hispanic businesses.”

78. Long Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lihcc.org/

“It is the goal of the LIHCC to provide its members, who often has special entrepreneurial needs, with business support, professional development workshops, advocacy programs, resource materials and networking opportunities that will help them grow their businesses.”

79. Westchester Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.whccny.com/

“To promote the economic growth and development of Hispanic businesses and professionals in Westchester.”

North Carolina

80. North Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.nchispanicchamber.org

“The mission of the North Carolina Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses in collaboration with the Business Community at large.”

81. Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte http://www.lacccharlotte.com/

“The purpose of the Latin American Chamber of Commerce of Charlotte is to preserve and promote existing Latin American businesses, encourage new Latin American businesses, and to promote networking with non-Latin American businesses and organizations.”


82. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cincinnati http://www.hispanicchambercincinnati.com

“The Mission of our organization is to promote the continued growth and development of the Hispanic/Latino business community in the Tri-State area.”

83. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for Ohio http://www.hbahcco.org/

“Advocating and promoting Hispanic Businesses since 1982.”

84. Greater Dayton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gd-hcc.org/

“To promote the continued development and growth of the Hispanic business community in the Miami Valley region. To offer our members an opportunity to network and develop beneficial relationships with both the public and private sectors. To advocate for the entire Hispanic community in our region.”


85. The Greater Oklahoma Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.okchispanicchamber.com/

“Our mission is to develop, promote and protect Hispanic businesses in the greater Oklahoma City area and to support the advancement, education and economic growth of the Hispanic community. The mission of the Chamber is to serve as a business resource, a forum an advocate for Hispanic business issues, and a united voice for the Hispanic business community.”


86. Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber http://www.hmccoregon.com/

“Advocate for the full participation of Hispanics in the economic opportunities in Oregon.”


87. Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.philahispanicchamber.org/

“To develop, promote and advocate for Hispanic business in the Greater Philadelphia area while encouraging the advancement and economic growth of the Hispanic community.”


88. Arlington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.hispanic-chamber.org/

89. Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.lockharthispanicchamber.org/

“The Caldwell County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's mission is to promote and strengthen the economic welfare of the business community in Caldwell County by supporting proactive activities in areas of education, civic leadership, and community development and by creating business opportunities for our members.”

90. Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.cchispanicchamber.org/

“The purpose of the Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote the interests of trade and increase the facilities of commercial transactions for the advancement of the commercial, educational, industrial, agricultural and civic interest of the City of Corpus Christi, Texas and the surrounding territory; to promote the interests of small business, including minority and women-owned enterprises and minority and women professions and entrepreneurs; and to promote awareness and preservation of the Hispanic Heritage.”

91. Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.fwhcc.org

“The Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is proud to serve the business interests of the Metroplex community and will strive to seek opportunity for its membership and achieve economic benefit for all.”

92. Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.midlandhcc.com/

“To promote the growth and prosperity of Hispanic businesses and community.”

93. Denton Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.dentonhcoc.org/

“To promote interest of the community with focus on the Hispanic and minority-owned business.”

94. Harlingen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.harlingenchamber.com/

“Create economic development by generating jobs, the recruitment of companies both international and domestic, promote the growth, development and success of small businesses, and provide educational and leadership resources for the community.”

95. Amarillo Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.amarillohispanicchamber.org/

“To be an advocate for economic development and support educational opportunities in order to enhance and integrate business opportunities within the community.”

96. TAMACC http://www.tamacc.org/

The strategic goals of the organization are as follows: (1) Economic Empowerment of Hispanic Businesses (2) Creation of value for local Chambers (3) Position TAMACC as the leading advocate of Hispanic business issues, and (4) Assess, evaluate, and align the organization and operation of TAMACC.


97. Ogden Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://ch.ctius.net/

“The Ogden Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce provides support and networking opportunities for Hispanic businesses from Brigham City to northern Davis County.”


98. Yakima Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.yakimahispanicchamber.com/

“To encourage the development of Hispanic/Latino businesses in Yakima County and contiguous areas by providing a support base for educational and economic growth opportunities. The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HCC) shall serve as an advocate for Hispanic business issues and as a partner in support of issues confronting the Hispanic community as a whole.”

99. Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tricitieshispanicchamber.com/

“The Tri-Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (TCHCC) is organized for the purpose of advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, agricultural, educational and civic welfare of the Tri-Cities and surrounding communities. The TCHCC will accomplish this mission by focusing on work force development through its support of education and training.”


100. Wyoming State Hispanic Chamber http://www.wyomingstatehispanicchamber.com/
“The Wyoming State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic business organization committed to promoting opportunity, growth, and progress of small businesses in a highly diverse society with emphasis on the Hispanic Latino/a and Chicano/a community.”

Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: Directory 1st Part

We have gathered a directory of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. We encourage you to visit your local Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to get informed about the services and programs that they offer. Become a member of your local chapter if you can and try to get a membership with the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce too. Combining both memberships can help you to leverage your business. The directory includes the Mission Statement of most of them.
These are the first 50 links to Hispanic Chambers of Commerce Web Sites from around the country. The list was build based on google results.

1. U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ushcc.com

"To foster Hispanic economic development to create sustainable prosperity and strengthen America.”

2. Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.kchcc.org/

"To create, promote and enhance business opportunities for our membership, and provide business, cultural and resource linkages, with special emphasis on the Hispanic community."

3. Maryland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.mdhcc.org/

“To promote the establishment, growth, prosperity and retention of Hispanic businesses, and those entities, and persons that support them in the State of Maryland.”

4. Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce/ Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gdhcc.com/

“To develop, promote and protect Hispanic businesses in the greater Dallas area and to support the advancement, education and economic growth of the Hispanic business community. The Chamber shall serve as a business resource, a forum and advocate for Hispanic business issues and a united voice for the Hispanic business community.”

5. Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.utahhcc.com/

“The mission of the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to provide leadership, economic growth, professional development and political awareness through the self-determination of our members.”

6. Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ghcc.org/

"The mission of the Georgia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote and support the domestic and international economic development of Hispanic businesses, and individuals, and to serve as a link between non-Hispanic entities and the Hispanic market."

7. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Wisconsin http://www.hccw.org/

“Advocating and promoting the business development of Hispanic and other small business through education, advocacy and networking.”

8. Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce/ Colorado Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.dhcc.com/

“The mission of the Denver Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is to promote and advance the growth of Hispanic business.”

9. Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.houstonhispanicchamber.com/

“To be the leading regional advocate for the economic and civic interests of the Hispanic business community.”

10. Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.azhcc.com/

“To promote the success of Hispanic businesses by facilitating business relationships, development and knowledge.”

11. San Jose Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gsjhcc.org/

"The Greater San Jose Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is the premiere Latino organization providing its members with business resources and access to local and global markets"

12. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Marin http://www.hccmarin.com/

“To support, advance and promote the growth and success of Hispanic/Latino businesses and professionals through collaboration, networking opportunities, and access to resources.”

13. California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce http://www.cahcc.com/

The California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce's (CHCC) primary goal is to represent the interest of over 600,000 Hispanic-owned businesses in the State of California.

14. Sacramento Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sachcc.org/

“The Chamber worked tirelessly to: Promote business, industry, commerce and culture within the Sacramento community for all minority groups, Increase better understanding between Spanish-speaking businesses and the community, Encourage the full development of resources in Sacramento as a city and county, as well as the surrounding regions, enhancing the welfare of the local economic community.”

15. Tampa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tampahispanicchamber.com/

“To advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses in the Tampa Bay Area.”

16. Chicago Hispanic Chamber of Commerce/ Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

“To provide resources and advocate on issues that affect the Hispanic business community.”

17. Fresno Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.fahcc.org/

"To Improve and Strengthen Individuals Business and Community"

18. Greater Austin Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gahcc.org/

“To lead the efforts that strengthen and support small, minority and women-owned businesses; stimulate and advocate for business growth, development and opportunities; promote educational excellence; and promote awareness and preservation of the Hispanic heritage.”

19. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City http://www.hccgkc.com

"The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater Kansas City is dedicated to the creation, advancement, promotion and development of economic opportunities within the Hispanic market and business community".

20. New York City Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.nychcc.com

“To represent and advocate for Hispanic Businesses in New York in a cohesive and collective manner which will assist new entrepreneurs, vitalize existing businesses and assure the growth and success of Hispanic businesses and the clients they serve.”

21. McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.mhcc.net/

“The McAllen Hispanic Chamber of Commerce promotes economic development and assists businesses to access the Hispanic market through networking, promoting education and nurturing leadership.”

22. Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.mhcc.org/

“Association dedicated to promoting economic development in the Hispanic community through the growth of its member companies.”

23. National Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on Health http://www.nhcch.com/

“The country’s first and only chamber of commerce concentrating on the health industries.”

24. Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tampahispanicchamber.com/

“To advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses in the Tampa Bay Area.”

25. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Minnesota http://www.hispanicmn.org/

“Economic empowerment of the Latino community for a stronger Minnesota.”

26. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Nashville http://www.nashvillehispanicchamber.com/

“The Nashville Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce offers your business the opportunity to sponsor or even become a partner of our Hispanic Chamber through programs and services designed to assist in meeting your business goals.”

27. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of New Jersey http://www.shccnj.org/

“The mission of the SHCC is to promote the continued growth and development of New Jersey business while upholding the highest standards of conduct and excellence.”

28. San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sdchcc.com/

“It is the mission of the SDCHCC to create and promote opportunities for Hispanic Businesses and the greater community.”

29. Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tulsahispanicchamber.com/

“The Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has rapidly become one of the fastest growing Chambers of Commerce in the Tulsa Metro. The Chamber is constantly exploring business growth opportunities for its membership and developing successful commercial relationships with the corporate sector of Tulsa. As the leading voice for the Hispanic Business Owner, the GTHCC represents and promotes economic development in the Hispanic community.”

30. El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ephcc.org/

“To promote the interest of the businesses we serve, to improve the economic and educational environment, to foster representation on major issues of public policy that impact Hispanics, minorities, and other small and minority owned business entities, and to promote the awareness and preservation of the heritage and cultural diversity shared in our region.”

31. Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://fshcc.com/

“FSHCC mission is to promote the economic advancement of the Florida Hispanic community, with a focus on economic and political empowerment, and public advocacy to improve the quality of life in the state of Florida.”

32. Waco Hispanic Chamber of Commerce/ Cen-Tex Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://wacohispanicchamber.com/

“To enhance the ability of business individuals and organizations to work together toward common goals and objectives of interest to the Hispanic community.”

33. Northwest Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.nwwhcc.com/

“The Northwest Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is organized for the purpose of advancing the economic, industrial, professional, cultural, agricultural, educational and civic welfare of the Northwest Washington and surrounding communities.”

34. Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.tucsonhispanicchamber.org/

“To drive economic development while advancing Hispanic Businesses & providing access to the Hispanic market.”

35. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of East Tennessee http://www.hccet.org/

“To advocate, promote and facilitate the success of Hispanic businesses.”

36. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana http://www.louisianahispanicchamber.com/

37. San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sahcc.org/

“The San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is the principle resource and advocate for Hispanic businesses and Hispanics in business.”

38. Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.vahcc.com/

“To promote business opportunities for our membership by providing proactive business and resource links to and within the Virginia Hispanic community.”

39. Bakersfield Hispanic Chamber of Commerce/ Kern County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.kernhispanicchamber.org/

"To create, promote and enhance business opportunities for our membership, and provide business, cultural and resource linkages, with special emphasis on the Hispanic community."

40. Hawaii Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.hhcc1992.com/

41. Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://pmahcc.org/

“The Mission of the PMAHCC is to provide regional business opportunities which allow economic growth, while simultaneously advocating, promoting, and facilitating the success of Hispanic businesses.”

42. San Joaquin County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.sjchispanicchamber.com

“Established in 1972 as the Stockton Mexican American Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber provides assistance in opening businesses, accessing capital, business plans, and links members-to-members through its many programs, workshops, and events held throughout the year.”

43. Indiana State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.ishcc.org/

“Identifying and serving the growing needs of Hispanic and minority small businesses.”

44. The Association of Washington State Hispanic Chambers of Commerce http://www.wshcc.com/

“The Association of Washington State Hispanic Chambers of Commerce (AWSHCC) is a non-profit corporation created to serve as a statewide Hispanic business organization representing the interests of local Hispanic Chambers of Commerce and their members throughout Washington State.”

45. Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.wichitahispanicchamber.org

“The Wichita Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the creation, advancement, promotion, and development of economic opportunities within the Hispanic market and business community.”


46. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Contra Costa County http://www.h5c.org

“To create, promote and enhance business opportunities for our membership and provide business, cultural and resource leadership with special emphasis on the Hispanic community.”

47. Ontario Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.onthcc.com

“To promote business development through leadership, advocacy, education, increased visibility and economic expansion.”

48. Greater Riverside Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.grhcc.org/

“The GRHCC fosters economic development by cultivating business relationships of mutual benefit; advocating for laws and regulations that benefit Hispanic-owned businesses and the Hispanic community; and seeking opportunities to reinforce the importance of education.”

49. Greater Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.gchcc.com/

“Greater Corona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GCHCC), proudly serves the Circle City community and surrounding vicinities. We are committed to meeting the needs of local Hispanic, non-Hispanic, and Minority owned businesses.”

50. Regional Hispanic Chamber of Commerce http://www.regionalhispaniccc.org

“Our mission is to promote the development of the Business Community by assisting in the development of businesses and markets and serving as the central information source for the general business community regarding Hispanic trends in Southern California.”

Chamber of Commerce: From 1599 to 2008

This article provides very interesting historical data. Do you know when the first Chamber of Commerce was founded in the World? How about in the U.S.? Do you know when the first Hispanic Chamber of Commerce was founded? How about the first Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce? Grab a cup of coffee because we are going to take you a little bit back in time. We are going to go from 1599 all the way to April 23rd, 2008.

Continental Europe

We don’t want to overwhelm you with tons of data and irrelevant information so we are going to try to keep this article as informative as we can. We all are aware of the important role that a Chamber of Commerce plays and most of us belong to one. “As an association of business men, its history goes back at least to Roman times; the first such association to bear the name “chamber of commerce” was that of Marseilles, established in 1599.”(Friedman, 1947)

Marseille, the oldest city of France, was founded in 600 BC by Greeks from Phocaea as a trading port under the name Μασσαλία (Massalia). Massalia was one of the first Greek ports in Western Europe,[4] growing to a population of over 1000. It was the first settlement given city status in France. Facing an opposing alliance of the Etruscans, Carthage and the Celts, the Greek colony allied itself with the expanding Roman Republic for protection. This protectionist association brought aid in the event of future attacks, and perhaps equally important it also brought the people of Massalia into the complex Roman market. (Wikipedia)

The world's oldest English-speaking chamber of commerce is that of Glasgow, Scotland, that was established in 1783. Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and third most populous in the United Kingdom. Glasgow grew from the medieval Bishopric of Glasgow and the later establishment of the University of Glasgow, which contributed to the Scottish Enlightenment. From the 18th century the city became one of Europe's main hubs of transatlantic trade with the Americas. After the Acts of Union in 1707, Scotland gained trading access to the vast markets of the British Empire and Glasgow became prominent in international commerce as a hub of trade to the Americas, especially in the movement of tobacco, cotton and sugar into the deep water port that had been created by city merchants at Port Glasgow.

United States

“The Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York was the first association of business men for the purpose of furthering their interests to be launched in America. When the Chamber was established in New York in 1768, the city of New York was the fourth port of the English Colonies, ranking only after Boston, Newport, and Philadelphia. By then the importing and exporting of merchandise between the Colonies and Great Britain had increased from a yearly average of £532,988 in the first decade of the eighteenth century to an annual average of £2,380110 by the decade 1750-60”(Friedman, 1947)

La Camara, 1939 – A “Mexican” Chamber of Commerce Forms in Dallas

“In 1939 eleven Hispanic small businessmen, one empresaria (female business owner), and Dallas’s Mexican consul formed a chamber of commerce. The founding was influenced by the social, political, and institutional isolation of the barrio, the default community leadership role of the local Mexican consul, and the greater chamber of commerce movement’s overall theme of providing protection to smaller businesses” (Tatman, 2006)

History shows that chambers of commerce have been founded for the purpose of furthering their interests. We all know that Chambers of Commerce varies widely in the range of its activities and functions.

The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce was founded on April 23rd, 2008 and it isn’t that different from a Chamber of Commerce. Besides the legal status and the focus of their activities, an average Chamber of Commerce and the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce are business associations founded for the purpose of furthering the interest of their members. They aren’t mutually exclusive, meaning that you can be an active member of both chambers at the same time. Every day, more business owners incorporate some sort of e-business activity into their business strategies.

The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce defines ebusiness as the method comprised of both ecommerce (buying and selling online) and the restructuring of business processes to make best use of digital technologies.

We invite micro, small and medium size business owners, academics and other interested stakeholders to join the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce.

If you are struggling to promote your business online, if you don’t know exactly what to do to implement a good ebusiness strategy, if you want to be part of a virtual community of small business owners, if you want to network with other business owners in your community, nation and worldwide; if you believe that the internet is a valuable tool for your business, if don’t have a web site but you still want to promote your business online, if you want to improve your online marketing strategies, if you want to contribute ideas that can help to educate business owners about the importance of the internet as a business tool or if you just want to be part of the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce just because…join today, the more we are the better.

History shows that every Chamber of Commerce was founded by businessmen trying to protect their interests and promote their businesses as a team. The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce, being a virtual organization isn’t any different. It has been put together to support businesses interested in using different ecommerce tools as a complement of their business strategy. Our mission, vision and goals are complemented by the following objectives:

- Discuss online marketing strategies.
- Learn together better ways to use the Internet as a Business Intelligence Tool, which is available free of charge via the open up website.
- Find State Funded ebusiness related educational material. Identify all sources of data relevant to business owners that are conducting business online.
- Monitor best practices. There are several micro, small and medium size businesses that have been able to implement successful ebusiness strategies. The idea is to discuss some of them in order to learn something from those successful ebusiness experiences.
- Recommend initiatives designed to facilitate ebusiness adoption and promotion.
- Create the Group Action Plan. A set of basic actions that can help each Member of the group improve his/her online marketing strategy.

As hard as we desire, we can’t accomplish everything along. We need your support, your companionship; we want you to share your ideas, thoughts, experiences, fears and more. We need your active participation because without you, our efforts are going to be meaningless.
We want you to make sure that you are not alone any more. There are several small business owners who are struggling day-by-day to make things happen, to stay competitive in the market and to keep contributing their share to the economy.


Joining the Hispanic Chamber of E-commerce is an effective and cost efficient method of advancing the ebusiness agenda for each one of the members.
If you don’t have a business but you are a researcher or any other type of person interested in making a contribution to our members, we invite you to join the "Google Group" that has been created. The forum will be used to promote active communication among members and to post documents, articles, etc. of interest.

The ultimate goal that the Hispanic Chamber of E-commerce has as an organization is to be able to translate HISCEC’s objectives into deliverables.

The ability of the group to think together, to combine knowledge and experience will be reflected in the final deliverables. Every deliverable will provide a set of actions that is going to contribute to the growth and development of the business.

Become a member of the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce and start writing with us a new chapter in the history of the Chambers of Commerce.

Yellow Pages Ad vs. HISCEC's Ad

If you are looking to promote your company through a yellow pages ad but you aren't that sure about it yet because of the cost. You can create a profile for your company at HISCEC for FREE, check out the features that you can get and decide if our service is a good fit for your company or not.

It's a 9 minutes video but we recommend you to watch it. The main message that we try to deliver is that getting listed at our business directory is a nice extra to have in your promotion strategy. Remember, the more you promote your company the more you sell.


PROVIEX - Program for Exporters

Program designed and promoted by the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce. PROVIEX is a program addressed to all the exporters interested in using this Web Site to promote their products.


- Provide small and medium sized exporters an opportunity to carry out electronic business.

- Give support to organizations in the process of internationalizing their company through the use of the internet.

- The development of a model that promotes B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Consumer) transactions. The implementation of the PROVIEX program seeks to eliminate intermediaries from the transaction process for the mutual benefit of the suppliers and the buyers.

- The program also focuses on promoting exporters and their products throughout the world through the portal of the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce.

If you are an exporter, we invite you to join this program. Contact us for more information.


Social Networking and Bookmarking: Links 1st Part

Social media provides consumers with opportunities to enhance existing relationships and create new ones. Interaction is a key factor in a network's success, as shown by the success of sites, such as MySpace and Facebook, which encourages user-generated content. While the trend is driven by the younger age groups, consumers of older generations are also being drawn to social media.

This article provides an extensive list of social networking sites, as well as bookmarking sites that can be very useful to your online marketing efforts. Take advantage of the free services that some of them offer to promote your business, products or services.

Social networking is becoming a trend among business owners, turning the whole social networking movement into business networking. The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce is about business networking. We have taken some of the social networking concepts into our own business model. We want to promote business networking in this site. We want small business owners to share their knowledge and experience, ask questions, develop business relationships and collaborate in order to create a strong community where everyone can get a piece of the big pie, the digital economy, the market that it is available 24/7.

There are tons of consumers online looking for products and services that are going to be offered at this site. The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce is helping to make those products easier to find. We are also going to go beyond the commercial purpose of the organization by promoting education, collaboration and active participation among members.

Social networking and social bookmarking are about sharing and collaboration. They are about virtual communities united by mutual interests.

The Hispanic Chamber of e-Commerce is a virtual community that it is open to every business owner interested in using e-business tools as a way to improve his/her business; small business owners interested in reaching new markets and getting new customers through the Internet; small business owners that are looking for the best cost-effective ways to promote their businesses; small business owners interested in improving their knowledge and much, much more.

The Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce has a huge responsibility. Our commitment is not questionable. Our goals and strategies are set. We want to help and we will help.
Implementing extensive market research and active social networking, establishing public relations, building strategic relationships with key decision makers, and more...we will become one of the most well known organizations for promoting benefits to organizations, individual members and the community.

We look forward to having you as a Member; we want you to see us as part of your team. Everyone in our organization is committed to this project and because of that, you can expect the best from all of us. We invite you to join this social network of small business owners. Your participation is very important to accomplish the success of this community.

We are going to be posting another extensive list of social networking sites and bookmarking sites within the next days.

To be continued...stay tuned.

Social Networking and Bookmarking links:

My Space http://www.myspace.com/
An international site that offers email, a forum, communities, videos and weblog space.

Digg http://www.digg.com/
Digg is a website made for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the Internet, by submitting links and stories, and voting and commenting on submitted links and stories, in a social and democratic spirit.

StumbleUpon http://www.stumbleupon.com/
StumbleUpon is an internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. It is a personalized recommendation system which uses peer and social-networking principles.

Technorati http://www.technorati.com/
Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs, competing with Google and Yahoo. As of June 2008, Technorati indexes 112.8 million blogs and over 250 million pieces of tagged social media.

Twitter http://www.twitter.com/
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

Slashdot http://slashdot.org/
Slashdot, often abbreviated as /.,[1] is a technology-related news website owned by SourceForge, Inc. It features user-submitted and editor-evaluated current affairs news with a "nerdy" slant. Each story on the site has an Internet forum-style comments section attached.

Fark http://www.fark.com/
Fark.com is a community website created by Drew Curtis that allows users to comment on a daily batch of news articles and other items from various websites. It is one of the top 100 English language websites,[1] receiving over 2,500 submissions a day and over 5 million unique visitors per month.

MIXX http://www.mixx.com/
Mixx is a user-driven social media web site that serves to help users submit or find content by peers based on interest and location. It combines social networking and bookmarking with web syndication, blogging and personalization tools.

Newsvine http://newsvine.com/
Newsvine is a community-powered news website which draws original content from its users and syndicated content from mainstream sources such as The Associated Press. Users can write articles, seed links to external content, and discuss news items submitted by both users and professional journalists.

Ximmy http://www.ximmy.com/
Ximmy Social Search Engine - Improve your searching experience!

Ma.gnolia.com http://ma.gnolia.com/
Discover, share and discuss the best of the web.

Diigo http://www.diigo.com/
Diigo is a Social bookmarking website which allows signed users to bookmark and tag web-pages. More exclusively, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page.

Spurl http://www.spurl.net/
Spurl.net is a free on-line bookmarking service and search engine. It allows you to store and quickly access again all the interesting pages you find on the web from any Internet connected computer.

BackFlip http://www.backflip.com
Backflip provides you with a new view of the World Wide Web--your view. Web-based bookmarks under your control and privacy.

BibSonomy http://www.bibsonomy.org/
BibSonomy is a social bookmarking and publication-sharing system. It aims to integrate the features of bookmarking systems as well as team-oriented publication management.

Linkagogo http://www.linkagogo.com/
LinkaGoGo provides instant access to your bookmarks.

Small Business Brief http://www.smallbusinessbrief.com
Fetching the Best Small Business News

Symbaloo http://www.symbaloo.com/us
With Symbaloo, you can now create your own desktop on internet. You will decide which sources and links you will put on your Symbaloo.

JumpTags http://www.jumptags.com/
Jumptags.com is a revolutionary Web 2.0 social bookmarking web service that allows you to collect, store, share and distribute web bookmarks, videos, notes, RSS feeds, contacts, and much much more…

Yahoo! MyWeb http://myweb2.search.yahoo.com/
With My Web, you can... Save your bookmarks in a place where you can always find them.

Google Bookmarks http:// www.google.com/bookmarks
Use Web History to find the sites you visit frequently and bookmark your favorites. Use the Google Toolbar for quick access to your bookmarks and to easily create more.

Facebook http://www.facebook.com/
Users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people.

Stay tuned for the second part of this article...

Read Books Online FREE

Who says that FREE equals worthless or cheap? The great thing about the Internet is that you can find a lot of valuable stuff for FREE. This article is going to be of particular interest to all of our visitors and members that enjoy reading a lot.
According to Edu Choices, here it is a list of the best 25 places to read FREE books online:

1. The Online Books Page
Free Books on the Online Books Page

2. Project Gutenberg
Free Books at Project Gutenberg

3. Questia
Free Books at Questia

4. Classic Book Library
Free Books in the Classic Book Library

5. FullBooks.com
Free Books at FullBooks.com

6. Internet Public Library
Free Books in the Internet Public Library

7. Classic Reader
Free Books from Classic Reader

8. Authorama
Free Books at Authorama

9. Bored.com
Free Books at Bored.com

10. Read Print
Free Books at Read Print

11. The Literature Network
Free Books from The Literature Network

12. LibriVox
Free Books at LibriVox

13. Bartleby
Free Books at Bartleby

14. Classic Bookshelf
Free Books on the Classic Bookshelf

15. ReadBooksOnline.net
Free Books at ReadBooksOnline.net

16. Chest of Books
Free Books in the Chest of Books

17. PublicLiterature.org
Free Books from PublicLiterature.org

18. Biblomania
Free Books on Biblomania

19. International Children's Digital Library
Free Books from the International Children's Digital Library

20. Public Bookshelf
Free Books on the Public Bookshelf

21. Perseus Digital Library
Free Books in the Perseus Digital Library

22. DailyLit
Free Books at DailyLit

23. Fiction.us
Free Books at Fiction.us

24. Page By Page Books
Free Books from Page By Page Books

25. Lookybook
Free Books at Lookybook

We invite to visit the "Edu Choices" Web Site. They provide a lot of educational tools that can be of value to you.

Distance Learning Courses

We have posted links to different courses at our distance learning site. The courses are offered by well recognized educational institutions. Feel free to stop by at the distance learning site of the Hispanic Chamber of E-Commerce.

There are ten links to very interesting courses. If you want to learn something about:

- E-Marketing (En Español)
- Entrepreneurial Marketing
- Introduction to Marketing
- Accounting Courses
- Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
- Starting a Business- Finance Courses
- How to Start Your Own Business
- Marketing Management
- Small Business Tax Courses

Click here!

All of them are FREE distance learning courses.